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iew?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Outside Our Window? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1819 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Japanese Garden BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

how to BuilD waTEr RockEt

we're going to show you how to make a very simple water rocket. Now, what we've got here, pop bottle. This is basically our water rocket here. Now, well, how way a water rocket works is you put water in, and then you pressurize it. You pump air into it, and that's what this complicated apparatus here is for. we've built many different launchers over the years, but we've never been able to build one quite as nice as we was able to buy, at sciencekit.com. A wonderful little launcher here. The ah, stand is extra. The original launcher just has a pair of stakes you can hammer into the ground, and that works just as well. But if you're working on concrete or asphalt, the stand is essential. we've taken a second water bottle here and we cut the top in order to make it a little bit more aerodynamic. You can slide the top right on the top. Now, if you're really fancy, you can go ahead and add some fins on there. Some of our members built this wonderful one. It's got a recovery system, fins and everything. These fins are off an old bottle rocket that's seen better days, so we recycled them onto this rocket, and this works wonderfully, but we're going to keep it simple today. Now, in order to launch this, you gotta get a little bit of water in there. Put the plug with the valve in, invert it, now there are two keys here, two clamps, that hold it in. And then, there is a key that fits in to tightly hold this together, and we've got a pump here. As we pump air in, it pressurizes. Now that air wants to get out, but there's a fair amount of water in the way, so when we pull this pin out outdoors, it's going to push the water out of the bottom of the rocket. Now, Newton says every action has an equal opposite reaction, so the force pushed out of the bottom of the rocket is going to push the rest of the rocket up and that's how every rocket works. Our model rocket uses chemical energy to do that. This, we're just pressurizing. We're putting air in here which will push the water out the bottom and push the rocket up. Let's head outside and launch this. We're ready to launch the water rocket. Five, four, three, two, one! And that's how you launch a water rocket

Monday, September 14, 2009

LoOkiNg inTo sPAcE!!

For thousands of years, people have been fascinated by the twinkling lights they saw in the night sky.Through the ages, astronomers studied the stars and planets and charted their movements. In time, they learned how to biuld instruments to look at the stars and to mark their positions. As they learned more about the stars and planets, their discoveries changed people's ideas about the earth and its place in the whole Universe.


The Italian Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was the first astronomer to use telescope to study the stars and planets. His observation showed that the Earth was not at the center of the



Astronomers in Ancient China used armillary spheres to study the Moon and stars. As the moon shines through the rings of the sphere, its position can be marked in the sky.


Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) was a polish astronomer.in his day,the Christian Church taugth that the Earth had been created at the center of the Universe. However,Copernicus believed that the Earth and planets moved around the sun.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

introducTion SpaCe

Our planet, Earth, is just a speck in the vast, black ocean of space.We have"neighbours": our Sun, Our moon, our fellow planets, and the flaming comets that race across our sky.But beyond are giant galaxies filled with billions of star.

With space probes and amazing instruments, scientists are peering ever farther into the distance, and learning ever more about the nearer, twinkling spot we can see on a clear night. Will they ever find out where the mysterious darkness ends??????????


Science is knowledge. Our word science come from an old latin word scientia which mean " to know"

Knowledge become scientific when facts are collected and organized in a way that show how they are related. Scientists use knowledge aboute this relationship to discover rule explaining how and why things happen. Thats knowledge is very powerful. once we know how and why things happen, we can try to change it.